

La FACPCE Conmemora sus 40 Años de Vida

El nacimiento de la Federación Argentina de Consejos Profesionales en Ciencias Económicas (FACPCE) está estrechamente ligado al Chaco, donde hace 40 años se conformó la comisión organizadora durante la XI Convención.



19º Congreso Nacional de Profesionales en Ciencias Económicas – Mendoza 2012

Desde la sede del Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de Salta, partió el bus hacia la ciudad de Mendoza, trasladando parte de la delegación de profesionales que participarán del «19º Congreso Nacional de Profesionales en Ciencias Económicas«, que se llevará a cabo desde el 17 al 19 de Octubre de 2012, en la mencionada ciudad cuyana.



There are lots of centerpieces selection to choose from

Attach the luminary to a garden stake with silicone glue or punch holes through the top and suspend it from a tree branch or a hook. Love was the subject of a PBS special profiling Northwestern Pennsylvania artists, highlighting her botanicals and birds. Replacing With Vinyl SidingHow to Replace the Aluminum Screening in a Screen DoorHow to Remove an Escutcheon Plate From a Baldwin DoorknobHow Long Does It Take Cherry Trees to Produce?How to Paint an Aluminum Pool.

baking tools Android. Apart from people in. MoreUmmm. Q. I don’t know how to deal with my future in laws. They’re pleasant enough but don’t speak English and don’t try. Hernadez said she was putting up Christmas decorations when she smelled burning paper. Though her husband said he denied smelling anything, Hernadez remained persistent recent fires in the city still fresh in her mind. As Hernadez looked outside for a possible source of the smell, she said she heard people outside screaming «fire!». baking tools

plastic mould Wedding decorations such as centerpieces are ideal fascination at the reception. There are lots of centerpieces selection to choose from, it could be a flower arrangement, scented candles, luminaries, petals, place card holder, favor boxes and the like. These decorations can be doubled as wedding favors and keepsakes. plastic mould

silicone mould Siskin Children’s Institute presents the first annual King of the Corn Hole tournament on Saturday, June 24 at the Siskin Children’s Institute on Carter Street. This tournament will welcome teams consisting of 2 players



Miniature white lights have been popular for several years

Existentialism’s stress on personal responsibility makes it sound quite noble Plastic mould, at least to 10th graders. But its nobility results from an intellectual misdirection, a philosophical sleight of hand, a moral shell game. Personal responsibility is the selling point, but the pig in this poke is point 1, meaninglessness.

plastic mould Laura has just brought her local barista to justice for ripping off his clients, earning their applause. Another mom, Kate, recognizes her didn’t she see Laura’s name on the school’s Winter Carnival sign up sheet? Laura’s making the class booth, right? Kate would have signed up, but after checking out the class Pinterest page, she chickened out. Decidedly uncrafty, Laura knows she didn’t sign up. plastic mould

bakeware factory You can also save money by making your own favors and centerpieces. Keep it simple, but elegant. Paint wooden flowerboxes in your wedding colors and plant them with wheatgrass for beautiful centerpieces appropriate for a spring or summer reception. Besides raising four children and homemaking she helped her husband with selling used cars, his never ending projects and endured his many years of playing music. Joan loved sewing, handicrafts, gardening, flower arranging, and cake decorating. She and her close friend, Helen started a business (The Cake Top) selling cake decorating supplies. bakeware factory

decorating tools To add to the fun and help you make menu choices, give your party a theme. Here are some prenuptial shower themes with food and gift giving suggestions: Beach party. Pack the portable Hibachi, tape



Regimen de Autonomia Municipal y Desarrollo Local en Nuestra Organización Federal

Martes 16 Octubre de 2012, 10.30 hs
Auditorio de la Fundación COPAIPA – General Güemes 529, Salta



19 Congreso Nacional – Información

Información de Traslado y de Interés



PROGRAMA PRELIMINAR Preconferencia Industrial del Nortoeste Argentino



Entrevista al Cr. Briones: «Avizoran un Alivio para los Trabajadores»

El Cr. Oscar Briones fue entrevistado en horas de la mañana en la radio salteña FM 89.9, donde se refirió al esperado anuncio de aumento al mínimo no imponible



Stretch a string or rope between the buckets or cones to stop

family of autistic man mocked by 50 cent accepts apology

But a different, more interesting race related thing happened last night: Russell Wilson became just the second black quarterback to ever win the Super Bowl. The knock on black signal callers had always been that they were insufficiently cerebral and bad leaders «natural athletes,» the euphemism went, suggesting they got by on instinct rather than practiced skill. Lots of black kids who were standout quarterbacks in college were refashioned in the pros, moved to positions that were seen as better fits..

needle derma roller What it means in a nutshell when he needs space is that if you don’t give it to him, a break up is inevitable. It’s going to happen in time. Give him his space happily and guilt free and keep living your life in the meantime. 8Cuts edge tiles, using a tile cutting board or a tile wet saw. Leave at least 1/4 inch around the perimeter of the room to accommodate for expansion, which is covered with baseboard. You can install these as you go, spreading thinset up against the wall when you are filling your grids, or you can apply thinset directly to the backs of the tiles with the notched tip of the trowel. needle derma roller

micro neddling 3Rinse the pavers off with a garden hose. Place buckets or cones around the perimeter of the paved area. Stretch a string or rope between the buckets or cones to stop vehicles and individuals from driving



Reunión con Diputados Nacionales

El Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de Salta, en virtud de la importancia del proyecto de reforma al Código Civil y Comercial de la República Argentina, invitó a una reunión a los Diputados Nacionales, a fin de hacer conocer su postura e inquietudes con respecto a la misma.



Reunión en la Fundación Capacitar del NOA

El Cr. Oscar Briones asistió en representación de nuestra Institución a un reunión en la Fundación Capacitar del NOA, donde se trataron diversos temas de interés.



ANSES – Asignación Familiar por Ayuda Escolar Anual

La ANSES informa que de acuerdo a la Resolución DE-N Nº 606/2011, los trabajadores en relación de dependencia que percibieron la Asignación Familiar por Ayuda Escolar Anual, deben presentar de manera obligatoria el certificado de escolaridad (Formulario PS 2.68 «Acreditación de Escolaridad / Escolaridad Especial)



Reunión con Presidente de la ASAP

En el marco de la realización del «XXVI Seminario Nacional de Presupuesto Público 2012″, que se lleva a cabo, en el Salón Ábaco del Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de Salta, desde el 1 al 5 del corriente mes; el Presidente del CPCES, Cr. Oscar A. Briones recibió la visita del Presidente de la Asociación Argentina de Presupuesto y Administración Financiera Pública (ASAP), Cr. Marco Pedro Makón.



Reunión de Ex Presidentes del Consejo

Encabezada por el actual presidente, Cr. Oscar Briones, se llevó a cabo el miércoles 3 de Octubre, una nueva Reunión con Ex Presidentes, a fin de intercambiar opiniones y tratar temas inherentes a la institución, con quienes han tenido la responsabilidad de conducir el CPCES.



XXVI Seminario Nacional de Presupuesto Público 2012


La Asociación Argentina de Presupuesto y Administración Financiera Pública (ASAP) en forma conjunta con el Gobierno de la Provincia de Salta, la Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Salta y la Universidad Nacional de Salta, organizan el XXVI Seminario Nacional de Presupuesto Público.