

In total, the square footage allowed for the four units would

The recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) is a manmade bovine hormone that increases milk production in cows.The hormone is replica bags banned in Canada and Europe because it’s been found that «it too stressful for that cows and it was rejected in this country or made illegal based on animal welfare grounds,» explained researcher Marie Claude Fortin.WATCH:Dairy Farmers on USMCAThe Animal Welfare Institute says the increased lactation period for cows doubles the «metabolic stress» of the cow, and increases the rates of illnesses in the cows. Farmers use the hormone, Fortin says since the synthetic hormone is identical to the natural hormone, it’s impossible to tell whether the hormone is present in milk.As for effects on human health, the bovine hormone rBGH can trigger an increase in another hormone called IGF 1 which has the capacity to impact humans.READ MORE:Alberta dairy farmer explains why he disappointed with NAFTA replacementHealth Canada found no evidence of adverse health concerns from the hormone, which is also called rBST.But Fortin says the science isn’t clear on how much this second hormone can affect us.»Frankly, the results go both ways,» Fortin said.»We have some studies in the United States that have looked at its possible impact on humans. It’s not clear if there an increase in potential for the development of tumours or cancer.»A study commissioned by Health Canada said there was not yet evidence to suggest IGF 1 is carcinogenic to humans, but that the worldwide scientific community will continue to study the



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Reunión de Junta de Gobierno de FACPCE

El pasado 3 y 4 de Octubre, se realizó en la ciudad de San Miguel de Tucumán,  una nueva reunión de Junta de Gobierno de la Federación Argentina de Consejos Profesionales en Ciencias Económicas.



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El viernes 4  y sábado 5 de octubre, se dicto en el Salón de Abaco,  El modulo III del Curso de Posgrado “Herramientas para la evaluación Financiera de Proyectos y Empresas” con la disertación a cargo del  Dr. Cesar Humberto ALBORNOZ.



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Durante los días 26, 27 y 28 de septiembre se desarrolló en la ciudad de Corrientes la XVIII Jornada Nacional de Jóvenes Profesionales de Ciencias Económicas. Contando con alrededor de 200 asistentes



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